2317 円管分岐流路における粘弾性流体の流れの挙動特性(S42-4 複雑流体の流動現象(4),S42 複雑流体の流動現象)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Using circular manifold distributing channel, the flow transition phenomena of viscoelastic fluid are investigated particularly. In the present study, the objective is to clarify the transition phenomena of three-dimensional flow patterns with different Reynolds numbers at laminar. Flow transition and changes of the mode are determined by direct observations with the flow visualization at the expanded part. It was found, that there are asymmetric three-dimensional flow fields by the effect of swirl flow in both Newtonian and viscoelastic flows. It was observed that the structure of a secondary flow near the outlet pipes is highly asymmetric. It is further known that the secondary flow became smaller as Reynolds number is increased.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-09-15
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