3617 弾性境界面およびダメージを考慮した繰返し弾塑性モデル(S13-4 疲労特性と設計,S13 実用構造材料の疲労問題と健全性評価)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to describe cyclic plasticity phenomena the plastic stretching within yield surface has to be considered. A subloading surface model categorized in the unconventional plasticity models and describing a smooth elastic-plastic transition would be applicable to non-proportional loading process including cyclic loading behavior of materials with a smooth yield surface. In this study the model is extended for materials exhibiting a purely elastic response under a particular state of stress state, named elastic boundary surface, whilst they also exhibit a smooth elastic-plastic transition. A damage evolution is also described by incorporating damage function for the conventional model.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-09-15
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- Elastoplasticity Theory(弾塑性理論), 橋口公一著, B5判, 432頁, 2009年5月発行, 定価129,95〓, Springer社, Amazonインターネット通販価格19,056円
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