Fragmentation of Protein Kinase N (PKN) in the Hydrocephalic Rat Brain
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PKN (protein kinase N; also called protein kinase C-related kinase (PRK-1)), is a serine/threonine protein kinase that is ubiquitously expressed in several organs, including the brain. PKN has a molecular mass of 120 kDa and has two domains, a regulatory and a catalytic domain, in its amino-terminals and carboxyl-terminus, respectively. Although the role of PKN has not been fully elucidated, previous studies have revealed that PKN is cleaved to a constitutively active catalytic fragment of 55 kDa in response to apoptotic signals. Hydrocephalus is a pathological condition caused by insufficient cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation and subsequent excess of CSF in the brain. In this study, in order to elucidate the role of PKN in the pathophysiology of hydrocephalus, we examined PKN fragmentation in hydrocephalic model rats. Hydrocephalus was induced in rats by injecting kaolin into the cisterna magna. Kaolin-induced rats (n=60) were divided into three groups according to the observation period after treatment (group 1: 3-6 weeks, group 2: 7-12 weeks, and group 3: 13-18 weeks). Shamtreated control rats, injected with sterile saline (n=20), were similarly divided into three groups. Spatial learning ability was estimated by a modified water maze test. Thereafter, brains were cut into slices and ventricular dilatation was estimated. Fragmentation of PKN was observed by Western blotting in samples collected from the parietal cortex, striatum, septal nucleus, hippocampus, and periaqueductal gray matter. All kaolin-induced rats showed ventricular dilatation. Most of them showed less spatial learning ability than those of sham-treated controls. In most regions, fragmentation of PKN had occurred in a biphasic manner more frequently than that in controls. The appearance of PKN fragmentation in periaqueductal gray matter was correlated with the extent of ventricular dilation and spatial learning disability. These results revealed that PKN fragmentation was observed in rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus, models for chronically-damaged brain dysfunction, suggesting that persistent brain insult, such as apoptosis, had occurred in these models. PKN fragmentation could be a hallmark for evaluating morphological and functional damage of the hydrocephalus.
- 日本組織細胞化学会の論文
Department of Molecular and Pharmacological Neuroscience, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hi
SEKI Takahiro
Department of Molecular and Pharmacological Neuroscience, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hi
Department of Molecular and Pharmacological Neuroscience, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hi
斎藤 尚亮
斎藤 尚亮
Sakai Norio
Department Of Molecular And Pharmacological Neuroscience Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiro
Okii Norifumi
Department of Neurosurgery, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University
Matsubayashi Hiroaki
Department of Molecular and Pharmacological Neuroscience, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hi
Mukai Hideyuki
Biosignal Research Center, Kobe University
Ono Yoshitaka
Biosignal Research Center, Kobe University
Kurisu Kaoru
Department of Neurosurgery, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University
Seki T
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Yokohama
Seki Takahiro
Department Of Molecular And Pharmacological Neuroscience Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiro
Kurisu Kaoru
Department Of Neurosurgery
Amano T
Department Of Molecular And Pharmacological Neuroscience Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiro
Amano Taku
Department Of Pharamacology Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
Ono Yoshitaka
Biosignal Research Center Kobe University
Okii Norifumi
Department Of Neurosurgery Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiroshima University
Seki T
Department Of Molecular And Pharmacological Neuroscience Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiro
Seki Takahiro
Chemical Resources Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Seki Takahiro
Photofunctional Chemistry Division Research Laboratory Of Resources Utilization Tokyo Institute Of T
Seki Takahiro
Department Of Molecular Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
Serikawa T
Institute Of Laboratory Animals Kyoto University
Serikawa Tadao
Inst. Of Lab. Animals Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto Univ.
Mukai Hideyuki
Department Of Ophthalmology And Visual Sciences Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiroshima Uni
Mukai Hideyuki
Biosignal Research Center Kobe University
Amano Taku
Department Of Pharmacology Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
斎藤 尚亮
Serikawa Tadao
Matsubayashi Hiroaki
Department Of Molecular And Pharmacological Neuroscience Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiro
Amano Taku
Department Of Molecular And Pharmacological Neuroscience Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiro
関 隆広
Inst. Of Lab. Animals Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto Univ.
Seki T
Department Of Molecular Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
Matsubayashi Hiroaki
Department Of Ophthalmology And Visual Sciences Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiroshima Uni
Sakai Norio
Department Of Developmental Medicine (pediatrics) D-5 Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine.
Seki Takahiro
Department Of Computer Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology:(present Address)ibm Global Service-jap
Sakai Norio
Department Of Biopharmaceutics And Drug Rational Research Center School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University
Seki Takahiro
Department Of Molecular And Pharmacological Neuroscience Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiro
Sakai Norio
Department Of Molecular And Pharmacological Neuroscience Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiro
Seki Takahiro
Department Of Applied Physics Nagoya University
Mukai Hideyuki
Biosignal Research Center
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