Fuzzy S^4 and Its Construction(Field theory, Lattice and Noncommutative space,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS)
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We present construction of fuzzy S^4, utilizing the fact that CP^3 is an S^2 bundle over S^4 Fuzzy S^4 is obtained by imposing an additional algebraic constraint on fuzzy CP^3. Hence, as in the case of fuzzy CP^3=SU(4)/U(3), fuzzy S^4 is globally defined on R^<dimSU(4)> with the additional constraint on top of the construction of fuzzy CP^3. We consider the commutative limit of fuzzy S^4 and find that it naturally gives commutative S^4 in terms of homogeneous coordinates on CP^3. We also discuss exact matrix-function correspondence of fuzzy S^4. In conclusion, it is proposed that fuzzy S^4 is described by a certain form of block-diagonal matrix whose embedding square matrix represents fuzzy CP^3.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2008-03-07
Abe Yasuhiro
Physics Department, City College of the CUNY
Abe Yasuhiro
Physics Department City College Of The Cuny
- Construction of Fuzzy Spaces and Their Applications to Matrix Models
- Fuzzy S^4 and Its Construction(Field theory, Lattice and Noncommutative space,NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY AND QUANTUM SPACETIME IN PHYSICS)