Protective Effect of Daidzein against Acute Ethanol-induced Lipid Peroxidation in Rat Jejunum
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Ethanol causes extensive damage to the intestinal tract from the oropharynx to therectum. The jejunum has also been shown to be particularly vulnerable to thedeleterious effects of ethanol. We hypothesized that (I) the pathogenesis of acutealcohol-mediated injury in the small intestine involves generation of reactive oxygenspecies, and consequentially, enhanced lipid peroxidation; (II) the pathogenic changesdue to alcohol can be ameliorated with daidzein pretreatment. To test thesehypotheses male Wistar rats (n=24) were divided into four groups as follows(pretreatment followed by treatment): [A] carrier+saline (control); [B] daidzein+saline;[C] carrier+ethanol; [D] daidzein+ethanol. Daidzein (100 mg/kg) or carrier(Intralipid) pretreatment was twice administered as a single dose, whereas ethanol (75mmol/kg) or saline (0.15 mol/l NaCl) treatment was administered once only. At 24 hafter ethanol or saline was administered, rats were sacrificed. The analytes 7α-and7β-hydroperoxycholest-5-en-3β-ol (7α-OOH and 7β-OOH), 7α-and7β-hydroxycholesterol (7α-OH and 7β-OH), and 7-ketocholesterol (7-keto) in jejunumwere analyzed by HPLC.The data showed that daidzein per se did not affect levels of cholesterolhydroperoxides nor oxysterols. However, there were significant increases in 7α- and7β-OOHs, 7α- and 7β-OHs, and 7-keto after ethanol dosage compared to controls.Daidzein ameliorated these effects, i.e., values in the daidzein+ethanol group weresimilar to those in the carrier+saline (control) group. This is the first report showingthat (1) cholesterol-derived markers of oxidative stress are increased in the rat jejunumin response to ethanol, indicative of metabolic damage; (2) daidzein pretreatment hasprotective effects against ethanol-induced injury.
- 神戸大学の論文
nakagawa kanako
Department of Moinformatles, Soka University
Department of Legal Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
Nakagawa Kanako
Department Of Legal Medicine Kobe University Graduate School Of Medicine
Department of Legal Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
Adachi Junko
Kobe University Graduate School Of Medicine
Adachi Junko
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Kobe University
Ueno Yasuhiro
Department Of Legal Medicine Kobe University Graduate School Of Medicine
Ueno Yasuhiro
Nippon Kokan Koji Co.
Nutritional Sciences Research Division, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Kings College London,
Max C.y.
Nutritional Sciences Research Division Department Of Nutrition And Dietetics Kings College London Uk
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