人體毛細血管の臨床的研究 : 第6報 本態的血壓亢進症患者の毛細血管に及ぼす温熱刺戟の影響に就て
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The study was made to determine the reaction in the capillaries of the nailbeds of 9 essential hypertensive patients, by application of warm bath or cold bath (50℃ or 5℃) test for 2 minutes to the hand, comparing with 15 healthy people. The following results were obtained : By application of warm bath, the reaction in the capillaries showed hyperemia, in all healthy people and 3 hypertensive patients. On the other hand, in 6 out of 9 hypertensive patients, there was a paradoxic reaction, in which the capillaries contracted and the blood circulation in the capillaries became slower at the first stage after a hand was dipped in warm water, and soon after, the reaction transformed in reactive hyperemia. By application of cold bath, at the first stage after immersion, the capillaries contracted and the blood circulation in the capillaries became slower and soon after immersion the reactive hyparemia occured, in essential hypertensive patients as well as in healthy people. But the grade of the contraction is stronger and the time under influence of cold bath on the capillaries is longer, in majority of essential hypertensive patients than healthy people.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1951-01-20
- 32) 循環器を主とする集團檢診について(第18回日本循環器學會總會)
- 3)老人の集團檢診特に循環器所見について(一般演説,日本循環器學會第17回總會記事)
- 人體毛細血管の臨床的研究 : 第6報 本態的血壓亢進症患者の毛細血管に及ぼす温熱刺戟の影響に就て
- 人體毛細血管の臨床的研究 : 第5報 體位變換時に於ける毛細血管の變化に就て
- 人體毛細血管の臨床的研究 : 第4報 手指屈伸運動に依る毛細血管の變化に就て
- 人體毛細血管の臨床的研究 : 第3報 治療發熱の際に於ける毛細血管の變化に就て
- 人体毛細血管の臨床的研究
- 人體毛細血管の臨床的研究 : 第2報 頸動脈洞壓迫試驗に依る毛細血管の變化に就て
- 人體毛細血管の臨床的研究 : 第1報 ヴァルサルヴァ加壓試驗に依る毛細血管の變化に就て