衣生活領域「被服材料の学習」に関する学生の理解の現状と課題 : 小学校教員免許取得希望者の場合
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the consciousness and knowledge of university students concerning clothing materials, and to clarify how much the knowledge acquired through classes on clothing is actually useful in identifying fabrics. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 108 students, 53 men and 55 women, who are studying to obtain an elementary school teacher's license and who were also actually asked to identify the materials of 10 kinds of fabric. As a result, it was found that most of the students did not have a positive image for the studies in the field of clothing, and that many felt the lectures on clothing material were boring. The average scores (on the scale of one to five) for the questions concerning the characteristics of the fiber were men 1.81 and women 2.89, women having higher scores. Compared to the average score results of 1989 (men 1.76 and women 3.16), when men and women still attended classes separately, it shows that men's scores have somewhat risen while the women's have fallen, and there is a growing concern for the decline in women's interest and motivation. In addition, when asked to identify the materials of 10 kinds of fabric, the students were able to identify natural fabrics such as cotton, wool, and linen, but many could not identify fabrics such as silk and synthetic fiber that they were unfamiliar with. Abundance in knowledge on most fibers had almost no influence on the ability to identify it. However, those with more knowledge of linen were able to identify it more correctly. (p<0.05).
- 熊本大学の論文
- 2008-02-29
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