機械翻訳の可能性の分析 -Ontologyの必要性-
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Machine translation has been assumed to be possible, if it is provided with dictionaries and grammars since digital computersappeared half a century ago. Researches on machine translation have been promising and disappointing. In 1960s of the UnitedStates machine translation projects boasted their expected results in vain. It led research fund to be lessen drastically. ThoughCanada, European Community and Japan succeeded the States and produced commercial systems, fully automatic machine translationdoes not become a reality. On the other hand each research with the Delphi method for foresight of technologies employedby the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan has ever been putting off its estimated launch yearof the machine translation. This is caused principally by that machine cannot grasp meaning of the world by lack of five senses.The best alternative will be ontology as the knowledge base of the world. This thesis presents a brief history of machine translation,cause of difficulty of developing machine translation, and indispensability of ontology for high quality machine translation.
- 湘南工科大学の論文
- 2008-03-18
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