レーザフォーミングのシミュレーション : 第1報,板厚とレーザ径が曲げ方向に及ぼす影響
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The laser forming has a high possibility as a new forming process, since the laser forming process does not need any die or punch. In the laser forming of a metal plate, the bending process is caused by the thermal stresses which are produced in the plate by the laser irradiation. In the present study, the laser forming is modeled by the finite element method (FEM: LS-DYNA), and the bending deformation of the plate is estimated by the FEM. Comparing with the experimental result, the validity of the proposed analytical model of the laser forming is demonstrated. In the numerical examples, the effect of plate thickness and beam diameter on the bending direction is analyzed. It is confirmed that the bending angle decreases as the plate thickness decreases, and that the plate bends the opposite direction on the laser irradiation side and bending angle increases when the plate thickness is thin and the beam diameter is large.
- 2008-02-05
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