歌唱教材「われは海の子」の特性と可能性 : 教材となる楽曲の分析と解釈に基づいて
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The school song "Ware-Wa-Uminoko (I am a son of the sea)" recommended by Monbu-syo (Ministry of Education) has been sung for a long time. When this song was introduced into the music textbook for elementary school children, the lyric of this song had seven stanzas. These stanzas described the life style of boys who were born in the homeland surrounded by the sea, were culturally interacting with people from other countries through the see, and were defending their own country. During World War II, this song was arranged and sung as a military song. After the war, the original lyric of the song was arranged again so that the only first three stanzas has remained, and then, this song has got another meaning. In this paper, I will discuss historical background of this song, and clarify the significance of this song as a contemporary school music teaching material. And then, I will explain that this song is effective teaching material for elementary school children to appreciate beautiful sound of the literary style of Japanese language, to imagine beautiful Japanese landscape, and to improve their singing skill.
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