和服リフォームにおけるデザインの提案 : 紋羽織からセパレートタイプイブニングドレスへ
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I proposed ideas of making an evening dress from the crested black haori. Reforming a favorite garment that was inherited from one of his/her old family members is a way of expressing one's gratitude and showing its usefulness. 1. A haori with a family crest, a short coat for Japanese formal garment with on a family crest, has narrow fabric width and was shorter length and smaller area than a long kimono. The separate long dress was designed with the concept of Robe decolletee for the top part and a long skirt for the bottom part. 2. In order to match the three-pieces-dress together, Spangles braids were used on edges and shoulder straps of the dress top, and also on a fringe of the overblouse. 3. The sleeves of the crested haori were used for making a layer part of the wrap long skirt.
- 広島文化学園大学の論文
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- 和服リフォームにおけるデザインの提案 : 紋羽織からセパレートタイプイブニングドレスへ
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