東京芸術大学蔵「小野雪見御幸絵巻」模写用料紙の作製 : 絵画に適した中世の和紙再現の試み
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A reproduction of "Ono Yukimi Goko Narrative Hand Scroll" owned by the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music was made. This Japanese painting dates to the mid-Kamakura period (13th century) and is an important cultural property of Japan. This paper is a report on the attempt to re-produce the medieval Japanese paper (washi) used for the painting. In order to make paper for the reproduction without conducting fibre analysis of the original painting, since a sample could not be taken from the original, ten kinds of paper samples were made for comparison using fibres of kozo and of kozo mixed with gampi, both uncut and cut, based on fibre analysis of other restored paintings. Sheets of paper thus made were then beaten (uchigami). The finished sheets of paper samples were compared with the paper of the painting in terms of the overall surface impression and blotting of the characters written in Chinese ink. From the above examination, it was decided to use a mixture of kozo fibres cut into lengths of 3mm and 5mm in order to make Japanese paper for the reproduction. A quasi-tamezuki method (nagashizuki method used only for the first dipping of fibre suspension) was employed and the paper thus made was beaten. In this way, it was possible to successfully reproduce the original painting. We feel that the method of comparing the original paper with produced paper samples is a feasible method for re-producing Japanese paper when fibre analysis cannot be made. Basic physical characterizations of the papers produced in the process of making the reproduction are also reported.
- 東京芸術大学の論文
稲葉 政満
宮下 真理子
東京藝術大学 大学院美術研究科
宮下 真理子
関 正純
江渕 榮貫
渡辺 佐和子
田渕 俊夫
関 正純
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- 截金の技能伝達に関する基礎研究
- 截金の技能伝達に関する基礎研究
- 東京芸術大学蔵「小野雪見御幸絵巻」模写用料紙の作製 : 絵画に適した中世の和紙再現の試み
- 截金の技能伝達に関する基礎研究
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