Human parvovirus B19 and rheumatoid arthritis
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Human parvovirus B19 (B19) is single stranded DNA virus, that causes erythema infectinosum in infantand/or acute onset polyarthritis in adult. We present the evidence showing the role of B19 on the etiopathogy ofrheumatoid arthritis( RA).( 1) B19 DNA could be frequently amplifi ed in the samples from rheumatoid joints. Thedetection B19 RNA and B19 protein VP1 was specific for RA, and positive at T cells, B cells, macrophages andfollicular dendritic cells in rheumatoid synovium. ( 2) B19 infection or transduction of B19 NS1gene caused TNFα,IL-6 and IL-8 production through activating AP1 and AP2 in macrophages or macrophage celll line U937. We alsofound Ku80 as a novel receptor for B19 on T cells, macrophages or erythroblasts. B19 used clathrin on the surface attheir cell entry and caused enhanced actin polymerization, resulting in the migration of T cells. ( 3) B19-transgenicmice became susceptible to type II collagen-induced polyarthritis that is a model of RA. We also experienced 12cases who developed RA after acute B19 infection. ( 4) Half of RA cases had a defective neutralizing ability to B19.
- 弘前大学の論文
佐々木 毅
佐々木 毅
東北大 院 医 分子診断学 免疫血液病制御
Sasaki Takeshi
Department of Rheumatology, Tohoku University school of Medicine
佐々木 毅
佐々木 毅
佐々木 毅
佐々木 毅
東北大学 大学院 医学系研究科 免疫血液病制御 分野
Sasaki T
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Sasaki Takeshi
Department Of Rheumatology And Hematology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Sasaki Takeshi
Department Of Clinical And Laboratory Medicine Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Sasaki Takeshi
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Ehime University
Sasaki Takeshi
Department of Rheumatology and Hematology,Graduate School of Medicine,Tohoku University
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