商船大学生の海洋志向性-V : ライカート尺度による海および船のイメージ
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A social survey measuring images of the sea and ships was conducted between mercantile marine and general college students. Questionnaire items were concrete ones asking attitudes directly compared to our previous surveys designed by Semantic Differential method. Mercantile students had better images concerning the sea affairs. Likert method is a method to derive reasonable category weights that are defined as conditional means of Normal distribution. Almost all scores showed good agreement with the simple and popular weights. Statistical moments such as mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis of response distributions also indicated high consistency with those of Likert method.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1990-09-20
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- 商船大学生の海洋志向性-IV : 数量化理論第III類による生活意識の尺度化の試み
- 商船大学生の海洋志向性-III : 数量化理論・第III類による外航船員評価の尺度化の試み
- 商船大学生の海洋志向性-II
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