台日***による初対面会話の対照分析 : 初対面会話フレームの提案を目指して
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Based on my experiences, there seems to be a subtle difference in interactions between Taiwanese and Japanese during initial conversations. As such, this paper attempts to investigate and make sense of the reasons behind such differences. Using the frame analysis approach, I analyzed 10 Chinese conversations and 9 Japanese conversations, which have been both by female university students and recorded in experimental settings. The result indicated that Japanese tend to use fixed patterns during conversations openings whereas Taiwanese adopt a free format. In addition, the reserach also concludes that during initial conversations, Taiwanese tend to require personal background information of the interlocutors' within the short time, and the categories differ from what the Japanese prefer. Based on the two findings, this study will attempt to propose a framework of initial conversations between Taiwanese and Japanese.
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