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Electroanalytical chemistry using a solid electrode has been suffering from electrode contamination by various substances contained in sample solutions. In order to remove contamination and always keep the electrode surface in an active condition, we have developed laser ablation voltammetry (LAV) using ablation effect of a strong laser pulse. In this study, the LAV was further developed as laser pulse sampled DC voltammetry (LPSDCV) by adopting a current sampling technique of sampled DC voltammetry. The current is sampled at a certain time delayed from the laser pulse irradiation or the potential step, and the currents are recorded as a function of the potential to construct a voltammogram. LPSDCV was applied to the determination of glucose with a copper electrode. Under the optimal conditions for the time constant, the delay time and the pulse energy, a well-defined voltammogram with a limiting current was obtained. The limiting current was proportional to the glucose concentration from 0.2 to 10mmol dm^<-3> with a correlation coefficient of 0.999. Further, the determination of glucose in bovine serum containing a large amount of protein was attempted by the standard addition method. The relationship between the added quantity of glucose and the limiting current showed a straight line, even in the bovine serum, although the analytical value was ca. 2-times larger than the certified value. The reason is assumed to be due to the interference of ascorbic acid and protein contained in the bovine serum.
- 2008-01-05
樋上 照男
新海 正也
脇浦 征二郎
樋上 照男
Hinoue T
Department Of Chemistry Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
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