トリポード, ツェッパ等速継手系の回転角誤差および動力伝達軸の3次元運動
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Abstract : Constant velocity joint (CVJ) lines of front drive automobiles are composed of the tripod CVJ or the double offset CVJ, the Rzeppa CVJ and the drive shaft. The rotational angle error of the CVJ line and the three dimensional motion of the drive shaft (the whirling motion and the fluctuation of axial direction) were measured and its components were expanded in trigonometric functions. The rotational angle error contains sinusoidal fluctuations with 2π, 2π/3, 2π/6 periods according to joint angles of Tripod and Rzeppa CVJs. The whirling motion has the period of 2π/3 according to the joint angle of Tripod CVJ. The axial direction motion of the drive shaft contains sinusoidal fluctuations of 2π, 2π/3 or 2π/6 periods according to joint angles of Tripod and Rzeppa CVJs. Rotation of the output shaft Rzeppa CVJ due to its revolution about the drive shaft was analyzed experimentally and analytically.
- 2008-02-15
- トリポード, ツェッパ等速継手系の回転角誤差および動力伝達軸の3次元運動
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