Sound-Wave-Like Collective Electronic Excitations in Au Atom Chains(Condensed matter : electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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Sound-wave-like collective excitation in Au atom chains on the Si(557) surface is investigated. Electron scattering spectroscopy using a highly collimated slow electron beam has detected a characteristic low-energy one-dimensional (1D) plasmon (wire plasmon) that is confined in the atom chains. Theoretical analysis adopting a quantum-mechanical scheme beyond the free-electron model indicates a significant dynamic exchange-correlation effect due to strong 1D confinement. By cooling to below 100K, we have detected for the first time a significant change in the plasmon dispersion in a tiny momentum and energy region, which definitely reflects a gap opening due to a metal-to-insulator transition of the atom chains.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2007-11-15
Institute for Materials Research (IMR), Tohoku University
Sakurai Toshio
Institute For Materials Research (imr) Tohoku University
INAOKA Takeshi
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Tokushima
Yaginuma Shin
Nano System Functionality Center National Institute For Materials Science
Nagao Tadaaki
Nano System Functionality Center National Institute For Materials Science:nanoscale Quantum Conducto
Nagao Tadaaki
National Institute For Materials Science (nims):international Cooperative Research Project (icorp) J
Nagao Tadaaki
Nano System Functionality Center National Institute For Materials Science:icorp Japan Science And Te
Inaoka Takeshi
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering The University Of Tokushima
Inaoka Takeshi
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Iwate University
JEON Dongryul
Department of Physics Education, Seoul National University
Jeon Dongryul
Department Of Physics Education Seoul National University
Nagano Tadaaki
Nano System Functionality Center, National Institute for Materials Science
Jeon Dongryul
Department of Physics Education and Nano Systems Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea
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