- 論文の詳細を見る
In initiation of the volitional movements from an upright standing position in humans, a focal movement cannot be executed until the position of the center of body mass (CM) has reached a given point. In step initiation, it is generally known that the anticipatory activities of the center of pressure and both the tibialis anteriors muscles emerge prior to the execution of the intended forward-oriented movement from a standing position. These phenomena are thought to play a role in transferring the position of the CM to the necessary conditions to initiate a step movement as the anticipatory postural adjustments (APA). It is not clear whether and how the APA change according to the motor perform-ance. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the relationship between the APA and intended movement through the experiments by the use of the electromyographic and kinetic methods. Consequently, it was confirmed that the APA parameters (the amplitude and/or duration parameters) have a close connection with the changes of the velocity, propulsive force or instability in the intended movement. This article provided evidence that the APA play a part not only in shifting the CM for initiating movement, but also in assisting the increase of the motor performance. Moreover, this suggests that the intensities of the APA parameters are decided centrally according to the parameters of a focal movement in feed forward manner. The knowledge obtained from this study can be applied to the selec-tion of training muscles in the field of sports exercise or the prevention of falling and stumbling by the postural dyscontrol in the elderly.
- 聖トマス大学の論文
- 05-26-総研D-07 立位つま先立ち動作時の姿勢の安定が運動成果に及ぼす影響(05 バイオメカニクス,一般研究発表)
- 193. 一歩踏み出し開始時の運動速度の制御(バイオメカニクス)
- 20.一歩踏み出し動作における運動開始時の重心位置、動作時間、および運動開始前に出現する先行随伴活動の相互関係(神経・感覚)
- 37.一歩踏み出し動作における見越し活動と接地期および空輸期の動作時間との関係
- 7.ステップ動作の「開始機構」(第10回日本体力医学会近畿地方)
- 46. 一歩踏み出し動作における動作速度と動作開始前に現れる見越し活動との関係
- 24.前方推力を生むための「もも上げ」以外の要因について
- 4.一歩踏み出し動作における動作開始時の重心位置、動作速度、および動作開始前に現れる見越し活動の相互関係
- 71. 筋電図反応時間を構成する認識要素と姿勢要素の正規化 : 立位つま先立ち動作の場合
- 先行随伴性姿勢調節の機能的意義
- 『人間学』の授業内容ならびに所感(いのち,2004年度「人間学」テーマ別授業実施内容について)
- ウエイトトレーニングの処方を再考する(2) : 伸張性筋収縮における神経制御ならびに筋機能改善