Laser Rapid Solidification Microstructure in Single Crystals of Al and Al-2% Cu Alloys(Materials, Metallugy & Weldability)
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Characteristics of rapid solidification were investigated in detail in terms of microstructure, solidification modes, growth crystallography and microsegregation by irradiating a pulsed Nd: YAG laser on the specific surfaces (001) (011) and (111) of single crystals of pure Al and Al-2%Cu alloys. In laser spot weld fusion zones of both alloys, epitaxial growth occurred as planar interface and then cellular or cellular dendritic interface from the unmelted semi-spherical base metal inwards. Also a number of grains were formed as "stray" crystals in the upper part of shallow fusion zones and in central part of deep fusion zones in Al-2%Cu alloy. In pure Al, cells had the same crystallographic orientation as the base metal. However, in Al-2% Cu, the crystallographic orientations of cells were several degrees different from those of the base metal. The growth direction of cell trunks in pure Al was gradually shifted from the <100> direction toward the directions of heat and liquid flow. In Al-2%Cu, on the other hand, dendritic cell trunks grew straight, which were deviated up to 15° at the maximum from the <100> to heat flux flow direction immediately after the growth initiation. Moreover, net-like (weave) microstructure of cellular dendrites was observed in boundary zones where cells of different <100> growth directions impinged. Cu element was likely to segregate at grain and cellular dendritic boundaries, resulting in the formation of Cu-enriched intermetallic phase. It was also confirmed that cracks took place at grain boundaries but not at cellular dendritic boundaries.
- 大阪大学の論文
Osaka University
Osaka University
SIMIDZU Hiroyuki
Kobe Steel Corporation, Ltd.
Simidzu Hiroyuki
Kobe Steel Corporation Ltd.
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