外国における日本イメージの探究 : ドイツの外国・地域・都市紹介雑誌に描かれた日本
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This paper deals with the results of a content analysis of the German monthly magazine "MERIAN" (from 1972, 1980, 1992 and 2001 issues) which was conducted to explore the images of Japan from abroad. The first section of this paper focuses on the historical background and characteristics of "MERIAN" as follows: 1. Historical background of the publication of "MERIAN." 2. Profile of the subscribers of "MERIAN." 3. Analysis of the countries, areas and cities dealt with in "MERIAN." The second section presents the results of the content analysis of "MERIAN" as follows: 1. Analysis of the articles (including essays and interviews) (1) Classification of the subjects (2) Classification of the writers (3) Rating of the articles from a positive or negative perspective of images of Japan 2. Analysis of the photographs (1) Analysis of the quantity of photographs (2) Analysis of the content of photographs a) Classification of the photographs b) Analysis of the cover-photographs c) Problems with the photographs and explanations 2. Analysis of the Advertisements (1) Analysis of the quantity of advertisements (2) Analysis of the content of advertisements
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