SEM Dynamic Observation of Hydrogen-Induced Cold Cracking in Weld Metal of 80kg/mm^2 Class Steel
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Dynamic direct observation of hydrogen-induced cold cracking in scanning electron microscope is tried for weld metal of 80kg/mm^2 class steel. Welded joint made with TIG-arc welding in argon-hydrogen mixing shielding gas is sliced and polished as soon as possible to minimize loss of diffusible hydrogen, and then bended with a restraint device. The specimen set to the restraint device is put into a scanning electron microscope, and crack initiation and propagation are observed and recorded with a video tape recorder. Results show close connection among degree of plastic deformation, slip bands, martensite laths and cracking mode.
- 大阪大学の論文
MATSUDA Fukuhisa
Osaka University
Osaka University
Matsumoto Takeshi
Osaka University, Dept. Mechanical Science and Bioeng.
Nakagawa Hiroji
Welding Research Inst. Osaka Univ.
Matsumoto Takeshi
Osaka University:(present Office)nisshin Steel Co. Ltd.
Matsuda Fukuhisa
Osaka Univ.
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