家事の外部化のケーススタディ : シンガポールの共稼ぎ世帯におけるメイド雇用・家計管理の実態
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【Purpose】 When married women with children would try to continue their jobs, it is indispensable to make work-family balance without outsourcing any housework or child-care according to the life stage. The methods of outsourcing housework are various depending on the countries. In Japan, the dual-career couples outsource child-care most in all housework. But in Singapore, the government established The Foreign Domestic Maid Scheme in 1978, so people have been employing them and outsourcing housework positively. In this paper, I will examine the actual condition of maid employment and household-management of the dual career couples through the interviews. 【Method】 The interviewees were married women who have maid, children, husband working as professional, and bachelor-degree. Five of them work as the regular full-time workers. Two of them were interviewed for the comparison: one of them is a housewife after quit her job, and another is a Japanese woman who married with a Singaporean. The interviews were held at their offices or homes for from 1.5 hours to 3 hours during 10th to 20th September in 2006. 【Results】 The main results are as follows: 1. In Singapore, almost respondents have the idea that they could put their trust only in relatives. The reason why dual-career couples in Singapore employ live-in maid is that they could outsource housework but not child care. 2. Fathers are positively involved in child care. They sometimes change their jobs, or coordinate their jobs so as to share time and space with their family such as dinner. 3. The housework of maid is quite simple such as cooking, washing and mowing the gardens. It is rare that maid is deposited some cash, but if so, the amount is very few and is checked every week. The total cost of maid employment is about 10 percent of respondent's salary.
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