幻化(マーヤー)サンヴァラ・マンダラ研究(I) : インド密教の思想史的展開とその諸原理
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This paper aims at describing the system of the Mayasamvaratantra, which, together with the system of the Guhyasamaja-tantra, serves as a bridge between the Sarvatathagatatattvasamgraha-tantra, the foundation of a genuine esoteric system of attaining enlightenment instantaneously, and the Hevajra-tantra, the extremity of Tantric Buddhism, in the historical development of Buddhist thought in India. In the case of tantric system such as the system of the Mayasa mvara-tantra, the "thought" is not presented directly in any teachings or dogmatic systems apparent on the surface of the text ; as a result, any restoration must be done through analyzing the hidden meaning of the mandalas of the system. This is why we investigate, in the present paper, the structure and contents of the original image of the world which is said to have as appeared to Gotama, the Buddha, in his experience of enlightenment, His experience forms the substance of his second 'sattanam cutupapata-nana' (that is, the wholeaggregate of all the chains of transmigratory lives of all living beings), and its mahayanic transformations and substantializations as given in the system of the Gandavyuha-sutra, We realize the meaning of the mandalas of the Mayasamvara-tantra only when we observe them ageinst the background of the coherent transitions of the Buddhist image of the world. This course was first set by the "critical" development of the Mahayanic system of the Gandavyuha-sutra from the original system of the Buddha himself.
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