PB-80 Molecular ecological analysis of bacteria degrading nonionic surfactant around arable land soil(Community structure,Poster presentation B)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本微生物生態学会の論文
- 2007-09-15
Hosoda Akifumi
School Of Agriculture Meijo University
Department of Functional Materials Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Tamura H
Department Of Environmental Bioscience Faculty Of Agriculture Meijo University
Tamura Hiroto
School Of Agriculture Meijo University
Amao Satomi
School of Agriculture, Meijo University
Ito Akiyo
School of Agriculture, Meijo University
Ueno Kozue
School of Agriculture, Meijo University
Ito Akiyo
School Of Agriculture Meijo University
Ueno Kozue
School Of Agriculture Meijo University
Amao Satomi
School Of Agriculture Meijo University
Yoshikawa H
Graduate School Of Engineering Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Yoshikawa Hiromichi
Department Of Life Environmental And Material Science Fit
Yoshikawa Hiromichi
Department Of Environmental Chemistry Kyushu Kyoritsu University
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