深絞り加工の薄肉化技術に関する研究 : ストレッチドロー成形における表面性状の検討(機械要素,潤滑,工作,生産管理など)
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Stretch draw forming is used to fabricate electro chromium coated steel (ECCS) sheet which is thermally laminated with clear biaxially oriented polyethylene terephthalate (PET) copolymer film on the inside and PET copolymer film containing TiO_2 on the outside. The forming involves drawing and bending of the cup wall with a die radius under high backward tension which is caused by flange shrinkage, friction between material and blank holder, and bending force. Our purpose is to clarify the effects of surface conditions on various conditions for stretch draw forming. From the results, surface roughness effect on various forming conditions is found to be strong at all points of a redrawn cup wall, in comparison to conventional redraw forming, and degree of roughness is distinguished in the height direction. Moreover, surface roughness curved line in the circumferential direction showed roughness with 0.4〜0.5mm cycle. Surface roughness of PET laminated sheet is rougher than that of an unlaminated sheet. Surface roughness effect on forming conditions depends on the die radius (R_d), tool temperature (T_t) and thickness strain (ε_t).
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1997-06-25
- 深絞り加工の薄肉化技術に関する研究 : 第2報,ストレッチドロー成形におよぼす成形温度と成形速度の影響
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