On a question concerned with a concordance relation of G-complexes(TRANSFORMATION GROUPS AND REPRESENTATION THEORY)
- EQUIVARIANT SURGERY UNDER THE WEAK GAP CONDITION (Transformation Groups and Surgery Theory)
- STUDY OF THE SMITH SETS OF GAP OLIVER GROUPS (Transformation groups from a new viewpoint)
- 同変手術障害類群の誘導理論 (位相変換群論とその広がり)
- Tangential Representations at Fixed Points (Geometry of Transformation Groups and Related Topics)
- Construction of smooth actions on spheres for Smith equivalent representations (変換群の理論とその応用--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- The Smith Problem and a Counterexample to Laitinen's Conjecture (変換群論の手法 RIMS研究集会報告集)
- 同変手術理論と球面上の滑らかな作用の不動点集合 (変換群論の新たな展開)
- Grothendieck-Witt環の完全系列 (変換群論とsurgery)
- Cappell-Shaneson's Group and Equivariant Surgery〔和文〕
- 配置写像,同変手術障害類,そして応用(変換群論と代数的位相幾何学)
- 3次元多様体のG-手術(変換群とWhitehead群)
- On a question concerned with a concordance relation of G-complexes(TRANSFORMATION GROUPS AND REPRESENTATION THEORY)
- On Equivariant Desuspension (多様体上の群作用と同変ホモトピー論)
- THE REAL REPRESENTATION ASSOCIATED WITH COPRIME NORMAL SUBGROUPS : Dedicated to Professor K. Shimakawa on his 60th birthday (Developments in Geometry of Transformation Groups)