Study of p-n Angular Correlations in Deuteron Breakup Reactions Based on the Method of Coupled Discretized Continuum Channels′ (「分子的構造と軽い重イオン反応」研究会報告)
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The p-n angular correlations and proton spectra in the ^<12>C(d, pn), ^<51>V(d, pn) and ^<118>Sn(d, pn) reactions at E_d=56 MeV are calculated by the method of coupled discretized continuum channels based on the three-body model. The calculation well reproduces the experimental data, and improves drastically the overestimated result of the prior-form DWBA calculation for the angular correlations in the case that protons and neutrons are detected on the same side of the beam.
- 素粒子論グループ 素粒子研究編集部の論文
- 1984-10-20
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- Study of p-n Angular Correlations in Deuteron Breakup Reactions Based on the Method of Coupled Discretized Continuum Channels′ (「分子的構造と軽い重イオン反応」研究会報告)