夏目漱石『こころ』における自我の葛藤 : <頭>(ヘツド)と<胸>(ハート)とをめぐって
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This paper examines the confrontation between the manly ego and the feminine ego drawn in "Kokoro". The conflict of the main character's ego changed to the extent that it can not be shared with us as he changed his way of thinking. The conflict of the main character's lonely ego reflected the inside of Soseki himself. While loneliness is Soseki pursude him, he hopes to he coneted. Soseki's own pain produced the view of life of "Kokoro". The conflict of the main character's ego reflected the inside of Soseki himself as he pursued lonliness while hoping to be connected with others around him. The way of viwing the world in "Kokoro" was produced by the struggle within the author himself.
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