<インスケイプ>とサイキの<火花> : G.M.ホプキンズの詩学と11代表詩篇
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Poetry of G. M. Hopkins might be called divine allegory-poems, or sacral metaphysical poems, dealing with the subjects of the magnificat to Madonna Mary and the profession of belief in God. His poetics consists of both the "Instress, " psychic-energy, which reflects God's enormous power of Pneuma, and also of the "Inscape, " which projects inner revelations as external "scapes." The repetitive terms, "Fire" and "Light, " seem to be his key-codes with which his soul and mind exert to correspond with spiritual breaths and fires of God. In this paper, eleven translated poems in full form out of Hopkins's representative poems are to be bulletined, because of the shortage of space, to give the evidence to the author's discourse which has been already completed.
- 想像力としてのキリスト,芸術としての愛の死 : O.ワイルド『奈落の底より』『レディング牢獄のバラッド』
- と : エズラ・パウンドの詩の始めと終り
- とサイキの : G.M.ホプキンズの詩学と11代表詩篇