Havelok the Daneの三人称代名詞(女性・主格・単数)SHEに関して
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As a result of the phonetic development of various dialects between late OE and early ME, the third personal pronoun nominatives, except the neuter singular, became almost or wholly identical in form. Owing to this state of confusion, in the districts where these dialects were spoken there seems to have been a strong motive for using the unambiguous ON feminine demonstrative sja instead of the OE feminine personal pronoun heo. The form with its initial [s]-sound developed into one with its initial [∫]-sound. It was in the Peterborough Chronicle for the year 1140 that the form with its initial [∫]-sound scoe first came out in ME. In Havelok the Dane, written in the North East Midland dialect about 150 years later than the Chronicle, the more developed forms-scho, sho, sche and she-appeared. Since Havelok was written while these forms were developing into the present form 'she', it is not strange that these four forms should appear in one work, Havelok. The author of Havelok, however, may have given each of the forms a certain role and used them properly. This paper will show us how each form is used in Havelok and what it means diachronically.
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