- 論文の詳細を見る
In our previous study, we found that the genetic population of Luciola parvula was devided into five groups in Japanese islands except for Hokkaido island by the mitochondrial DNA sequence analyses, and they were distributed to the different areas geographically. In this study, the genetic population in Kinki district was devided into three groups, that is, two groups of an eastern area from Himeji city Hyogo and a western area from Sanda city, Hyogo in Honsyu ialand and one group of eastern Shikoku and Awaji islands. Himeji and Sanda cities showed a boundary place of two groups in Honsyu island. The genetic populations will be related to the geological structure in the formation of Japanese islands.
- 福井工業大学の論文
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- ホタルの発光と系統進化 : 系統的遺伝子解析から種分化の足跡を探る
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- DNA Transformation of Becillus subtilis by Electroporation
- 6.固定化生体触媒に関する研究(環境安全工学科研究状況)
- 8.固定化酵素に関する研究(環境安全工学科研究状況)
- 10.固定化酵素に関する研究(環境安全工学科)(研究状況)
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