対人コミュニケーションにおける社会的関係の尊重という欲求 : アドバイスという発話行為の分析をもとに
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Every competent interactant minds what to say as well as how to say it in each communication context when they wish to construct and maintain friendly relationship with the hearer. They know a direct criticism or a direct request of an act, for example, may threaten the hearer's desires for being approved and for not to be impeded respectively. Brown and Levinson (1987) proposed that these desires, namely positive face want and negative face want, are individual's basic desires which are shared by every member during social interactions. The present study investigates whether 'a social relational desire, ' which demands appropriate recognition of and respect for each other's position on power and solidarity dimensions, is another fundamental desire in social interactions. This study is based on the analysis of the reasons for nonacceptance of advice, assuming that when a piece of advice is perceived as unpleasant by the hearer, it must threaten some of the fundamental desires the hearer has. The research collected data from 133 Japanese university students who were asked whether and why they perceived a piece of advice as unpleasant or even offensive. It was revealed that one out of three respondents thought the advice was unpleasant because it threatened perceived power relations between the speaker and the hearer. This result indicates that individual's fundamental desires include a social relational desire in addition to personal or individual desires such as positive face want and negative face want. The study also showed that the receiver of advice was more aware of superiority or inferiority of their ability, skills and knowledge to those of the advice giver than age and status differences between them when they decided who was higher on power relations and judged appropriateness of advice based on that perception.
- 初対面の会話における発話の重なりの効果
- 対人コミュニケーションにおける社会的関係の尊重という欲求 : アドバイスという発話行為の分析をもとに
- 日常会話の中のパワーマネージメント
- 言語教育カリキュラムにおける言語活動の authenticity : コミュニケーション研究の視点から
- 職業的実践におけるコミュニケーション能力 : 「対人関係的意味」の誤解とその対応
- 解釈の多様性の認識によるコミュニケーションへの姿勢の変化