- 論文の詳細を見る
Due to the Act revising a part of the Money-Lending Business Control and Regulation Act (Act No.115 of 2006), an administrative order was established in Money Lending Business Act concerning dismissal of executives of money lenders. In this paper, the following three points are discussed with regard to the adequacy of this administrative order : First, whether this system infringes private autonomy ; second, whether this system is necessary in relation to the internal control structure requested of money lenders under laws ; third, whether this system is rational in reference to the objective to break off the relations with antisocial forces. To conclude, this system seems to have the risk of infringing private autonomy, and furthermore, lacks both necessity and rationality. The present revision to the law was implemented with a great deal of fervor, with some parts of the revision not having been sufficiently examined, and supervision over the appropriate enforcement is essential.
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