リハビリテーション実施時に生じる対象者との相互作用 : 担当作業療法士と実習生との比較による検証
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The purpose of this study was to examine the difference in interactions between occupational therapist (OTR)-patient and occupational therapy student (OTS)-patient. A patient was male in hospital. OTR in charge of the patient has 2year's experience in the field of occupational therapy, and OTS was senior student of training school for occupational therapy. The scenes that OTS and OTR provided occupational therapy to the patient were recorded on videotapes. The words and behavior of participants were transcribed from the pictorial records. The written records were divided into minimal units. We classified these units according to similarity in concept. As a results, we extracted 11 concepts of behavior and 7 concepts of words, it were common to OTR and OTS. After a comparison between variation of concepts and scene appearances, OTR has nonverbal communication and verbal communication with patient so that OTR enhances the sense of togetherness with patient.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 新教育家庭実施の実情及び評価に関する調査研究
- 抑うつと顕在的/潜在的情報処理過程の関係
- リハビリテーション実施時に生じる対象者との相互作用 : 担当作業療法士と実習生との比較による検証
- PA074 教育実習体験が教員志望動機に及ぼす影響(6)
- PA073 教育実習体験が教員志望動機に及ぼす影響(5)
- フラシュバルブ記憶の特徴(2) : 縦断的方法によるWTC爆破事件の想起の正確さについて
- 教養教育科目としての「心理学」の授業改善(1) : 心理学実験を中心とするアプローチ
- 関係性の中での「やる気」と指導者のことばがけの機能
- 外部記憶補助と記憶の統制について