理系と文系の融合 : 一自然科学者の見方(<特集>総合政策学)
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With advancement of science and technology in the modern world, there are strong demands for the manpower that is highly specialized in many different fields. At the same time, however, the need for integrating their results and communicating people working in the different and overly specialized fields increases. Unfortunately, however, the university education at the under-graduate level is limited to a four-year-period, in that our option could be either 1) to train a student in one of the very narrow, over-specialized field, or 2) to educate him/her in a broader, more general field. At the Faculty of Policy Studies of the University of Shimane, we intend to educate the students in the integrated, broader fields of various sciences and liberal arts, to help promote communication among the people working in different and overly specialized fields of our modern industrialized society. At the graduate schools of the same university, the integration of sciences and liberal arts may be applied to the northeast Asian region, which has recently been developing at a very fast rate.
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