足趾把握力が姿勢制御能力に及ぼす影響 : 足圧中心位置を前後方向へ移動させる能力に着目して
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The purpose of the present research are to study relationship between toes grasp strength and abilities to shift the position of the center of foot pressure (CFP) in anteroposterior directions. Toes grasp strength was measured using a modified device of a digital grip dynamometer in 24 healthy women (11 women of the young group, and 13 women of the middle-aged and elderly group). The CFP positions were also measured with a stabilometer, when the subjects were made to maximally shift their weight forward and backward on the standing position. The shifting range of the CFP position in anteroposterior directions was derived on the basis of the each anteroposterior CFP position, resulting in a statistically significant difference between the two groups that toes grasp strength of the young group was significantly greater than that of the middle-aged and elderly group. The same held true for the each anteroposterior CFP position and the shifting range of the CFP position in anteroposterior directions. There was no correlation between toes grasp strength and the CFP positions when maximally shifting the weight forward and backward, in both groups. The same held true between toes grasp strength and the shifting range of the CFP position in anteroposterior directions. Our results showed no clear relationship between toes grasp strength and abilities to shift the CFP position in anteroposterior directions, in both groups.
三谷 保弘
三谷 保弘
三谷 保弘
大阪体育大学大学院 スポーツ科学研究科 スポーツ健康科学専修:四條畷学園大学 リハビリテーション学部 理学療法学専攻
森北 育宏
大阪体育大学大学院 スポーツ科学研究科
森北 育宏
森北 育宏
三谷 保弘
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