- 論文の詳細を見る
One of the important problems to be taken into consideration in investigating the relation between urbanization and industrialization in Japan is to make clear the chronology of the urbanization process. Urbanization in Japan, especially in the pre-war period, is not clear yet. One of the dominant reasons is the data problem. A census survey was undertaken in 1920 initially. Although, from this year we can get the available data about population, in the pre-census period, Genjujinko Series used often to observe the regional population both urban and rural is overestimated and not continuous. This paper proposes a method which gives estimates of the urban population instead of the above series. The forerunning census survey had been carried out in six regions around 1908. Using this data, "error rate function" on Genjujinko could be measured. The results are significant, and the estimates of urban population are based upon these results. The urbanization index selected in this paper is the expected value of urban locality population which was developed by E. E. Arriaga. The merit of using this type of index is that the crucial problem of the definition of urban is sidestepped. Using the above procedure the urbanization process in the period 1889-1935 is observed. The results are as follows. The increase rate of expected value of urban population is between 4-5% in 1889-1897, 4.9% in 1898-1903, 5.5% in 1903-1908, 4.9% in 1908-1913, 6.6% in 1913-1918, 6.6% in 1920-1925, and between 5.6-5.9% in 1925-1935. The remarkable implication is that urbanization had progressed with high speed in the period 1913-1925 (Taisyo era). However, as urbanization indexes of 1913 and 1918 have a few questions, the increase rate of this period requires further examination. This study is still in progress and not completed.
- 帯広畜産大学の論文
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