高齢者とのコミュニケーションに関する研究(1) : 痴呆症高齢者の問題行動に対する3つのアプローチ
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to investigate the ways of communication for the aged with Dementia by careworker's professional school students and college students. There are three ways of communicative approach on problematic behaviors for the aged with Dementia (SUWA, 1996) ; (a) the Point-out method is to indicate the problematic behaviors directly, (b) the Make-notice method is to expect to notice the problematic behaviors by the aged themselves and (c) the Acceptance method is to accept their problematic behaviors. Subjects are 75 Professional School students (PS) and 125 College students (CS). They are required to choose the useful method from the three ways of communicative approach for 6 clinical cases, and to assess the validity of the method. The main results appear as follows ; (1) While many of PS choose the Acceptance method, many of CS choose the Point-out method from the three ways of communication approach for the clinical cases. (2) Both PS and CS seem to consider that the Make-notice method is an ideal one. (3) PS seem to consider that the Acceptance method is the practical one of the three ways, but CS seem to consider the Make-notice method is the most practical one. These results suggest the importance for youth (PS and CS) to experience to communicate with the aged directly, and learn about many types of methods for practical communication with the aged for the future of aging society.
- 桜花学園大学の論文
- 1999-03-31
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