デイジタル計算機による天文航法 : I球面三角形の解法(日本航海学会第35回講演会)
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With rapid development of electronics, the miniturized digital computer will be equipped on a ship near future. Under necessities of astronomical navigation with a digital computer, programs of distance and initial and final cources have been set up and tested between two points on the great circle. According to HITAC 5020 (FORTRAN IV), compilation requires 7sec., and computation 0.2sec. each set of the distance and the cources. Computation is executed in 7-figure, the accuracy will be sufficient for astronomical obsernations at sea.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1967-01-25
- 来島海峡の渦流が操船に及ぼす影響(日本航海学会第44回講演会)
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