- 論文の詳細を見る
There are no way aside from increasing of ship's speed or to shorten the anchoring hours in a harbour, for abbreviation term of one round voyage of liner boat. But, there will be some limit point economically in the former idea. The later will be the most effective countermeasure and is one of important subject for rational operation of shipping. Recently, the existing relation of anchoring hours and loading rate, is discontented condition. Namely, the loading rate is a low degree. The high loading efficiency cannot keep every time by ship's excellent loading faculty only, to cite an instances, in equipment and handling system etc. Another conditions should be satisfied. They are cargo amount alongsided to ship's side, number of hired gangs, distribution of gang in and out of ship, weather etc. These factors should be kept in typical condition. The authors have tried the statistic investigation of anchoring hours by New York liner boat at Yokohama, Nagoya and Kobe port. The number of ship for statistics was 185 and the term was about one and half year, from Jan 1962 to May 1963. Results: [table] Remark Hired ratio=Total hours hired gang/Anchoring hours Actual working ratio=Gang-Hours actual worked/Total hired Gang-Hours Waited cargo ratio=Gang-Hours stopped loading due to waiting cargo/Total hired Gang Hours Waited ship ratio=Gang-Hours waited for ship arrival/Total hired Gang-Hours Rain ratio=Gang-Hours stopped loading due to rain/Total hired Gang-Hours As the result of investigation, they understood that the main causes in elongation of anchoring hour are the high ratio due to waiting cargo at Kobe, and stoppage of loading for the sake of rain fall at Yokohama. Another point, the waiting ship ratio at Nagoya should be solved.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1965-01-25
- 座談会(学会創立30周年記念座談会(II),航海技術最近10年の歩み,日本航海学会30周年記念号)
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