- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper shows that the effects influencing many factors in the motion of acceleration and crash backing of a diesel direct driven vessel due to the different kinds of the operation of the engine maneuvering were analyzed by calculation. The training ship "Fukae Maru" in Kobe University of the Mercantile Marine was used for the example of calculation. The operations of the engine maneuvering are shown as the two equations which are that of dF/dt=const. and of dn/dt=const. (F=engine torque, n=shaft revolution, t=time). The calculation was done under some assumptions and it's result, however, made us notice such basic hints as shown following for the study of the engine maneuvering in a diesel direct driven vessel. (1) In acceleration the increase of (n) always loses against that of (F). Consequently in case the maneuvering on the condition of dn/dt=const, and dn/dt=0 some time later is operated, we notice (F) has a distinguished peak. (2) In case of crash backing and shaft crash reversing, the increase of (n) does not lose against that of (F). In case (F) is fixed constantly some time later, we notice (n) gradually decreases and in case (n) is fixed so, we notice (F) increase at the beginning and gradually decrease through the maximum point. (3) In case constant starting torque is acted, the change of the conditions when the shaft revolution is increasing depends greatly on the ship motion on that time.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
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