Transient Resensitization Interrupting the Development of Carbachol-induced Desensitization in Smooth Muscle of Guinea-pig Taenia Caeci : Ca^<2+> -dependent Termination of Resensitization
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It is important to clarify developmental mechanisms of desensitization because of their great significance in regulation of cellular responsiveness. We have found that carbachol-induced desensitization to carbachol develops in three successive phases in the presence of extracellular Ca^<2+> in the smooth muscle of guinea pig taenia caeci : fast desensitization within 15s, transient resensitization reaching a peak at 1 min and the subsequent re-development of desensitization to terminate resensitization for up to 30min. In contrast, in the absence of extracellular Ca^<2+>, desensitization develops without resensitization. To further clarify the roles of Ca^<2+> in the formation of the transient resensitization phase, we examined the developmental process of carbachol-induced desensitization in the absence of extracellular Ca^<2+>, following the induction of desensitization by a 15-s treatment with carbachol in the presence of extracellular Ca^<2+>. Desensitization to carbachol occurred due to pretreatment with 10^<-4>M carbachol for 15s in normal physiological solution, and continued pretreatment with carbachol in Ca^<2+>-free solution containing 0.2mM EGTA induced resensitization followed by the obscure progress of re-desensitization for up to 30min resulting in a long-lasting phase of resensitization. These results suggest that resensitization is promptly terminated by the Ca^<2+>-dependent development of subsequent desensitization for further regulation of cellular responsiveness via G_q protein-coupled Ca^<2+>-mobilizing receptors against sustained stimuli.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2007-11-01
菱沼 滋
Department Of Pharmacodynamics Meiji Pharmaceutical University
菱沼 滋
菱沼 滋
齋藤 政樹
Department Of Pharmacodynamics Meiji Pharmaceutical University
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