教科書ディスクールにおける '我々意識' の構築の様子 : 韓国の1970年代と 2000年代の小学校国語教科書の比較を通じて
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This study explores the organic relationship between ruling ideology and school education. It tries to confirm, trough a systematic analysis of school textbooks, how the modern school system is mobilized and used in order to establish, propagate, maintain and reproduce the ruling classes value norms. This study compares and contrasts two sets of language textbooks covering the six primary school grades used in the 1970s with those currently in use (2000〜). In South Korea, elementary schools textbooks are compiled by the authorities and the curriculums have been changed following the change of regime. As for the textbooks used in the 1970s, they were revised according to the national authoritarian ideology of the military regime of Park JongHee, prioritizing anticommunism and economic development as of the utmost national importance. The textbooks in current use were revised following the accession to power of the Democratic Party of longtime oppressed political leader Kim DaeJung. Therefore, the contemporary textbooks consist of an anti-discours to those of the 1970s, which strives to establish a new social order, or even make a clean break with the past. Despite ideological differences, the textbooks of the two periods both emphasize a very strong spirit of national consciousness, illustrated by the frequent use of the term Wuli which means 'we' and also 'our' in adjective form. This study aims to show how the discursive construction of "Weness" (wareware ishiki or national identity) in Korean language textbooks is articulated in the relationship between le Meme and l'Autre and how the identities of le Meme and of l'Autre are changed, modified and corrected according to the change of the leading ideology. This study is based on the noun-centered analysis of vocabulary, and pays particular attention to the use of Wuli.
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