ヨハン・ベルヌーイの力学 : 衝突法則からの再評価
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While Johann Bernoulli's mathematical researches are well-known and highly appreciated, his researches on mechanics have been less studied. His researches on mechanics have been regarded as an inconsistent aggregation of Cartesian, Newtonian and Leibnizian physics; applying calculus to mehcanics as a Newtonian, advocating "vis viva" as a Lebnizian and adopting vortex theory as a Cartesian. The present paper is aiming at showing insufficiency of traditional researches, which arbitrarily selected examplars from Johann Bernoulli's texts and did not read them as such. The author has argued that Johann Bernoulli used common and consistent framework of "loix de la communication du mouvement" (laws of communication of motion) in his papers of 1724 and 1734. These "loix" embodies both conservation of quantity of motion and that of "vis viva". In the former paper, he applied the law to collision of two bodies. He extended the explanation to the collisions of multiple bodies and to the motion in a resistent medium. In the latter paper, he introduced the mechanism of "torrent central" (central stream). He applied the same law to it and explained gravitation on the basis of the collisions of subtle matter. These above aspects of his original researches have been overlooked, because his texts were not interpreted properly. The author has also suggested that the "loix de la communication du mouvement" is a crucial concept to understand Johann Bernoulli's mature researches on mechanics consistently.
- 日本科学史学会の論文
- 2006-03-28
- ダニエル・ベルヌーイによる"ベルヌーイの定理"の導出方法
- ヨハン・ベルヌーイの力学 : 衝突法則からの再評価
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