大阪の乳幼児保護施策と公的保育の成立(1) : -大正期大阪の社会事業を背景として-
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The purpose of this paper is to clearify the beginning of the "Public Day Nursery", whichresulted from the child welfare measures that advanced in Osaka, and to consider how peopleregarded and used those institutions. Social work has developed rapidly since the rice riot (Kome-Soudou) in Osaka. Socialworkers made some relief institutions for poor people by the public method. Those institutionscontained including the consultation center, maternity hospitals, infant homes, andpublic day nurseries. The number of infact deaths from poverty decreased when those institutions becameavailable, Nursery services helped mothers who lived below the poverty line and gave theirchildren nursing and education. Public day care services made life easier for people who wereborn in poverty. So the people have begun to notice that Public day nurseries are necessary for the workingmother of all class. This was progressive thought in the Taisho era.
- 近畿福祉大学の論文
- 2007-06-01
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