- 論文の詳細を見る
Rehabilitation workshops have offered comprehensive vocational and social rehabilitationservices for injured workers to promote their vocational independence. Theseworkshops were supposed to have had a role as transitional institutions aiming atreturning injured workers to their former work places (or getting new work places),however, they did not function as such, and a review was carried out by five expertson rehabilitation and welfare. As a result, the following propsals:(1) Workshops, whose functions as transitional institutions are difficult to recover,should be divided into two:a) Those to be abolished, while examining its practical use as social resources in eacharea, such as in industries which employ many severely disabled persond, rehabilitationinstitutions, accommodation facilities, etc. in each areas.andb) Those to be allowed to continue for the time being, while re-enforcing connectionswith related resources and introduce useful functions of the Supported EmploymentSystem (such as job coaching, continuous support in work places, etc.) to promote thetransition to normal employment for as many as possible.(2) To strengthen measures for injured workers, a new integrated system consisting ofmedical, employment, ability development, welfare and so on, should be studied byMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare as soon as possible.
- 近畿医療福祉大学の論文
- 2005-12-15
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