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There have been concerns for the child with cerebral palsy (CP) to get to walk independently among thepeople who involved the habilitation of CP. Especially physical therapist (PT) have been in charge ofgetting to walk. Although many of the children with CP have had the benefit, on the other hand, some arenot effective despite of the consumption of long time, labor and cost. Based on some reviews, the study ofthe prognosis of getting independent walking of CP by the medical doctors, physical therapists and othersis vigorous. Reviewing the studies on the prognosis of walking of CP children, there are some view points. Thesereviews are the prospective studies of the capability of future gait due to their early motor dvelopment,the critical age of getting walking and the capability of gaint due to different type of CP and others. There are many studies about CP with spastic diplegia. They said that the child with CP could get towalk when the child had acquired neck control within 9 months, rolling and crawling and sitting withsupport at 0 year, independent sitting until 24 months (at the latest 4 years) and creeping on all foursreciprocally between one and a half years and 2 and a half years. Getting independent walking washopeless when the children were older than 8 years. I have experienced the child with CP spastic diplegia walked at the age of 9 years and 3 months over 8years, the critical age of getting walking. I want to represent this case as one example who had gotindependent walking over 8 years, showing the aims and programs of PT and / or OT for him and hisprogress, and to consider the reasons why he got independent walking at that age.
- 2004-06-15
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