- 論文の詳細を見る
This point focussed defensive tactics for basketball games. This study made investigation of how to maintain for face, it made the present situation of games manifest. The purpose of this consideration was to think out defense power by each defending actions. Moreover, we investigated to make some strong defense tactics by this result. Elite female basketball players in college teams analyzed by means of the VTR-SCORE sheet recording technique. Rate of frequency for defending actions in games ; personal defense wos over 50% which was higher than we ever thought. next to thes was second line defense then third line defense. Consequently, each teams mainly used personal defense first, then second line defense and third line defense which cooperative defending actions were used as a second tactics. From tactics result of extra defending actions, to support face of defense side by personal defending actions is difficult ; thus, second line defense and third line defense are required as an extra tactics. From the result of defense tactics by winners and losers point of view, to make defenses strong ; we should improve personal defending actions, also we consider improvement in a method of defense is connected with capable. Therefore, tactics of to made defense strong that increases defense power of personal defense is first step, it require to plan how to preserve collectivelly face by trailing second line defense and third line defense.
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