Pragmatic Analyses of Japanese Learners' Interaction with Students Overseas Based on an Online Communication Corpus
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The aims of this paper are : first, to show how and in what way Japanese university students' communication style has changed by exchanging their thoughts and opinions on assigned topics or on current issues that they are interested in on the BBS or mailing list with their counterparts in Asian countries such as Taiwan and Korea ; second, to analyze the corpus accumulated over five years and to investigate what characteristics are found in the students' interaction in respective countries ; third, to clarify what viable communication strategy students need to learn for improving their exchanges ; and, finally, to demonstrate the process of developing intellectual and cultural awareness through collaborative interaction. The order of our research procedure was as follows : 1) to construct a message extraction system to search how and how many special items of words are used by the subject students ; 2) to analyze the corpus including 10, 148 messages accumulated since January, 1999 for six years by WordSmith in quantitative and qualitative ways ; in particular, students' messages picked up on the mailing list between Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University and Shih Hsin University in Taiwan from December, 2003 to March, 2004, and students' messages stored for 2 months from May to the end of June, 2003 for the joint project between Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University in Japan and Hannam University in Korea were chosen ; 3) to classify these collected data into three terms of viewpoints : meaning, structure, and function which show a tendency of miscommunication in students' interaction ; and 4) to trace the flow of actual interactions according to each topic arranged in chronological order.
- 長崎純心大学・長崎純心大学短期大学部の論文
- 2007-03-01
渡辺 洋子
渡辺 洋子
鈴木 千鶴子
吉原 将太
渡辺 洋子
吉原 将太
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